The History of DeLand Receiving Home
The DeLand Receiving Home was established in 1970 through a joint community effort initiated by the Sheboygan County Department of Health and Human Services. The home itself was the gift of the DeLand Foundation, which was established in the will of the late Ambrose D. DeLand, a prominent Sheboygan dairyman and cheese manufacturer who died in 1917. The Foundation has consistently financed remodeling, improvements, and repairs of the physical facility. Several local service groups provided the leadership in obtaining generous donations from community service groups, churches, and individuals to furnish the home.
Organization and Operation
A non-profit corporation, the DeLand Receiving Home has a volunteer citizen's board that is responsible for operation of the home including maintenance of the physical facility, financial responsibility, employment of staff, and overall community relations.
The Sheboygan County Department of Health and Human Services places and supervises the care of the children and provides financial support.
The DeLand Receiving Home has provided care for more than 2,700 children in the past 38 years. Most children stay less than 30 days. Many of the children placed return home. Others move on to foster homes, group homes, residential treatment facilities, relatives, or friends. |